The Week Ahead 23rd June 2024

Dear Glebe Families,

Happy Sunday!

I am sure, like me, you are still buzzing from the brilliant Art Exhibition showcasing our creative children’s work.  Mrs Khan and a great staff team proudly put the exhibition together for you.  So, so proud!  To capture this and as part of us promoting the brilliant things we do at Glebe, we have set up a new Instagram account and on there, we have a new video from Friday to share!  Search for us on Instagram @gloriousglebe and use #gloriousglebe if you post anything on Instagram about your child’s achievements at our glorious school! 

Huge thanks again to all the children and staff, especially Mrs Khan and the team!



1. Dates in the diary:

MONDAY: We launch our NSPCC PANTS curriculum with our children; Y4 are on their trip to the Islamic Centre and Y6H have their class assembly at 9am in the Main Hall – Y6H parents/carers welcome!

WEDNESDAY: At 9am Y4C have their class assembly and Y4C parents/carers are welcome! At 6pm we host our “Welcome to Glebe” event for new Reception parents/carers starting with us in September!

THURSDAY: 9am Y6 present their Music Performance in the Main Hall – all Y6 parents/carers are welcome!

As always there is a screenshot of the next two weeks attached to this Ping!


2. LUNCH and SNACKS: A reminder that when sending your child in with a snack for morning breaktime it must be HEALTHY! Bags of crisps and chocolate bars are not as healthy as fruit or dried fruit. Please help us to help your child be healthy in their growing years.


We are also trialling a new approach to lunchtimes used at other local schools.  INITIALLY ONLY FOR YEAR 5 and YEAR 6 children, you will NOT need to order in advance any more!  NOURISH will have plenty of food in stock for your child and they can choose whatever they want when they come to the counter.  It is known as “choose with your eyes”.  Children with food allergies will wear a lanyard to ensure we are all looking out for them. We will let you know how this goes and you can feedback to leaders on the gates too, or drop us an email.


3.SUN SAFE: It has been a long wait but summer is arriving! A reminder to help ensure your child is “sun safe” when they come to school. Always ensure they have a good layer of high sun protection factor (SPF) 50+ before they come to school,  wear a sun hat and have a water bottle.  You could pop the water bottle in the freezer the night before so it keeps their water extra cool as the ice melts slowly through the day.  More advice is available at this website: https://www.britishskinfoundation.org.uk/sun-safety-advice-for-parents

We will encourage children to use the shaded areas in the playground and on the field.  If we have a consistent forecast of 28c+ we will make it “non-uniform” so children can wear thinner, more comfortable clothing when it gets hotter.


4. FINAL DEBT REMINDER: As mentioned last week, we still have some families with outstanding debt on ParentPay. Please ensure this is cleared as soon as possible.  


5. CLASS NAMES FOR 2024-25: From September, your child’s class name will be a part of a year group theme and not the teacher’s initials. This gives continuity should a teacher change in-year, gives each year group a theme to bring them together, the familiarity of names in the school year on year, and above all else it is more fun for children! They chose their favourite names from their theme name ideas before half term and attached are their favourite choices!  We will be sharing the name of your child’s new class name and next teacher before our transition day on Wednesday 3rd July.  There are no class mixes happening this academic year.


On the horizon...

* A reminder our Fun and Fitness Week is from 8th-12th July with parent/carer participation so get training 😊 currently we plan Y1&2 and Y5&Y6 Sports Day on Monday 8th July and EYFS and Y3&4 on Tuesday 9th July - details to come; also remember we are CLOSED on 4th JULY as we are a polling station


Week ahead weather:

It is heating up to around 27c this week but keep an eye on Friday for a cooler day and possible showers.


As always, if you have any concerns or queries, use our communication guide so we can respond as soon as possible to: https://www.glebe.harrow.sch.uk/Parents/Communication/

Enjoy your day!

Sash Hamidi

Consultant Headteacher

Glebe Primary School..."Making a Positive Difference"

class names and logos for 2024 25.pdf