
At Glebe, we recognise that technology plays a huge part in modern life and will only become more integral as our pupils grow up. We appreciate that our pupil’s access to technology outside of school varies widely and we therefore aim to equip every child to confidently use all forms of technology as well as developing a solid understanding of how computers work. Furthermore, we aim to develop children’s perception of technology as a tool for learning, innovation and discovery. Our curriculum aims to embed technology throughout all subjects and allow every pupil hands-on experience of a variety of hardware and software. Children have the opportunity to use technology to enhance their learning in all subjects as well as learn Computer Science discreetly. Ultimately, children should leave Glebe as confident, able and responsible Digital Citizens.

 Article 17 - Every child has the right to reliable information from a variety of sources.

Article 28 – Every child has the right to a good quality education.

Article 29 – Education should help children to develop their talents and abilities. 

Link Governor

Mrs Jankhana Bhuta, Mrs Ngozi Anajuba

Progression Document

curriculum journey.pdf

ICT Vision

The ICT vision for the future at Glebe Primary School is that:

-all learners have access to state of the art technology,

  • -acquire high level computing skills and be able to apply them safely and effectively,

-show originality, imagination, creativity and innovation in their use of ICT in their learning across the curriculum.

Values & Beliefs

We believe that members of our community should:-

  • have an entitlement to a quality education which includes emerging technologies,
  • use ICT effectively across the broad, balanced and challenging curriculum,
  • enjoy learning, achieve high standards and reach their potential,
  • be taught and supported by highly skilled and motivated staff who continually improve and develop their ICT skills,
  •  be responsible for their own learning and behaviour by using ICT responsibly,
  •  be enabled to make a positive contribution to the community and the wider world.

Computing Lessons

Across all key stages, a weekly lesson is timetabled in our study centre. Our study centre consists of 34 PCs and interactive whiteboard. Teachers also utilise our 30 iPads and other devices such as bee-bots and data loggers within Computing lessons and other subjects to enhance the learning of both the subject and apply ICT skills. In the weekly computing lessons there is a focus on skill development in the context of a unit of work. We follow the Knowsley Scheme of Work which we have adapted to meet in the needs of our pupils. Units of work have been chosen to maximise links with other areas of the curriculum. 

Digital Citizenship

In school our Digital Citizenship and E-Safety computing lessons cover a variety of different topics. These activities are designed to help pupils not only have a greater safety awareness and a knowledge of their own digital footprint, but to also gain a better understanding of how they should strive to be respectful and considerate when using the many and varied opportunities the internet has to offer both from a learning point of view and when using social media.

Digital Leaders

The Digital Leaders represent pupils from across the school. They promote online safety among their peers and meet regularly to talk about projects they’d like to run in the school. They are the people to see if you need help with your computer.