Governor Profiles

Mrs Ngozi Anajuba

Governor Type: Co-opted Governor
Responsibilities: Link Governor for Assessment, Maths, Computing, Wellbeing

Mr Aman Sawhney

Governor Type: Co-opted Governor
Responsibilities: Chair of Governors, Chair of Health, Safety and Premises Committee, Chair of Staffing and the Link Governor for Safeguarding, Health and Safety, DT, PE, Geography, PSHCE, Art, Community & Communication
Information about Myself: 

As a parent with three children at the school I will ensure the parents needs and requirements are listened to. I will look to add value to the amazing work already carried out at the school, so that the pupils are learning most effectively and achieve the best standards possible.

As I live in the local area, I will also continue in helping the school to be an integral part of the community. As a parent governor, I sit on the Community, Pupil and Parent Committee. I am also a Link Governor for PE.

Mrs Sheila Ordish

Governor Type: Co-opted Governor
Responsibilities: Link governor for SEND (including Inclusion), RE, Wellbeing
Information about Myself: 

I was offered the opportunity to become a governor earlier this year. 
My professional background is in Human Resources where I have worked in different sectors including retail, financial services and engineering.  I currently work in professional services specialising in complex employee relations matters. I have lived in Harrow for almost 30 years and hope that I can bring some of my experience to support the governors and the school.

Mrs Seema Varsani 

Governor Type: Parent Governor
Responsibilities: Link governor for Assessment, EYFS, History, Community & Communication
Information about Myself: I am an Assistant Headteacher in a local primary school in Harrow and have a passion for education and learning. I currently  have a child at Glebe Primary School.

Mrs Surjit Nandra

Governor Type:  Co-opted Governor
Responsibilities: Link Governor for Maths, MFL

Ms Jacqueline Elliott

Governor Type: LA Co-opted Governor
Responsibilities: Link Governor for SEND (including Inclusion), PSHCE

Mr Hemen Shah

  Governor Type: Parent Governor
Responsibilities: Link Governor for English, Phonics and Early reading, Science, Finance
Information about Myself: 

I am a partner at one of the Big 4 Consulting practices. My professional background is in financial crime and forensics data analytics. One of my passions and key personal goals, is to develop talent in data and analytics at grass roots particularly in girls. I live in the local area in Kenton and both of my daughters attend Glebe Primary School. I will bring all my professional experience in ensuring school resources are used optimally, parents requirements are taken into account and the school is run successfully.  

Mr Adnan Masket

Governor Type: Parent Governor
Responsibilities: Link Governor for PE, Music, Finance